After ring carding once Heather was hooked and soon returned as one of the three original ring card girls for Flawless FC earlier this month where we had the pleasure of meeting this lovely lady. Her favorite fighter is Lisa “Lights Out” McCallam.
Outside the world of MMA Heather is a full-time preschool teacher and is an accomplished model. Heather has been a featured print, commercial, promotional, music video and fashion show model working with the likes of Miller Lite, WCGI, Bebe, Guess, Chase Bank, Hyatt Hotels, Las Vegas Fashion Show, Chulo Magazine, and Transpire Magazine and even doubled for Adrianna Lima.
Hopefully we see more of Heather in the MMA world soon but until then be sure to say hello to this MMA babe and visit her Facebook, Facebook fan page, Model Mayhem and Twitter pages.